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Spokesman Journal

Spokesman Books | Spokesman Journal

The Spokesman Journal

The Spokesman is the journal of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. It features independent journalism on peace and nuclear disarmament, human rights and civil liberties, and contemporary politics. Contributors include Robert Fisk, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, John Le Carre, Trevor Griffiths and Kurt Vonnegut to name a small selection.

'I've just had chance to read The Spokesman ... its really first rate.'
Noam Chomsky

Here you will see each individual issue.

You may order each separately or subcribe to The Spokesman.

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - UK Individual</span>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - UK Individual

An annual subscription to the Spokesman
provides you with 3 issues, delivered quarterly.

All postage and packaging is included in this price.

Price: £20.00


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - Individual outside the UK</span>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - Individual outside the UK

An annual subscription to the Spokesman
provides you with 3 issues, delivered quarterly.

All postage and packaging is included in this price. Copies to Europe and the rest of the world are sent as Airmail printed matter.

Price: £25.00


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - Institutions (UK/Europe/RoW)</span>Spokesman Subscription/Renewal - Institutions (UK/Europe/RoW)

An annual subscription to the Spokesman
provides you with 3 issues, delivered quarterly.

The cost of an institution subscription varies by location:

Institutions (RoW) - £40.00
Institutions (Europe) - £38.00
nstitutions (UK) - £33.00

All postage and packaging is included in this price. Copies to Europe and the rest of the world are sent as Airmail printed matter.

To order a subscription for your institution or to renew an existing one please contact the office:

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Proliferate Peace</span>Proliferate Peace
The Spokesman 152
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

Antonio Guterres - No More Hiroshima's! No More Nagasakis!
States Parties to the TPNW - "Our Commitment"
Bruce Kent - Plain Speaking
Glyn Ford - Riding Two Horses
Tony Simpson & Richard Fletcher - Appointment in Wales
Mike George - Workers' Plans
Kurt Vonnegut - Fates Worse than Death
Jehan Helou - Making Palestine's History
Tony Simpson - Eyewitness in Beirut
Ben Thompson - Soldiers 2
END Info

Price: £6.00

128 Pages | A5 Format
ISBN 978 0 85124 9131


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Our Common Security</span>Our Common Security
The Spokesman 151
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

John Gittings - China and Ukraine
Richard Falk - Ukraine Wars
Richard Falk - A Ukraine Wars People's Tribunal?
Diana Johnstone - For Washinton, war never ends
Frank Blackaby - Europe and NATO Expansion
Raymond Williams - Definition
Pamela Wood - Remember your humanity
IPB, ITUC, Palme Centre - Common Security 2022
Olof Palme - Ending the balance of terror
Tom Unterrainer - Nuclear-weapon-free zones
A. N. Kalyadin - A Soviet View
Mhairi Black MP - The F Word
END Info
Price: £6.00

136 Pages | A5 Format
ISBN 978 0 85124 9094


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Bertrand Russell 150</span>Bertrand Russell 150
The Spokesman 150
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

Paola Totaro - Russell in Australia
Bertrand Russell - Adaptation
Russell Stetler - Bertrand Russell in the years of His Tribunal
John Gittings - Thrillers
Kenneth Blackwell - "Lord Russell's Busy Year"
Tony Simpson - The Film Obituary that Never Was
Caroline Moorehead - Edith
Edith Russell - My Testimony
Ken Coates - Lelio Basso
Tony Simpson - With The Beatles
Tim Madigan - Russell in Popular Culture
Peter Jenkins - Nuclear First Use? No Thanks!
Andy Stirling, Phil Johnstone and Dave Webb - UK attachments to nuclear power
END Info

Price: £6.00

150 pages | A5 format
ISBN 978 0 85124 9049


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>No Drone Zone</span>No Drone Zone
The Spokesman 149
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

Joanna Frew - On the Edge
Assal Rad - Iran and Biden
Craig Murray - Afghanistan, Opium and Gas
Steve Bell - Afghanistan's 20-year war
Andrew Gamble - Last words
Hamda Iraqi - A Palestinian Woman's History
Tony Simpson - Indians of the Americas
James Wright - A Place Full Royal
END Info

Price: £6.00

136 pages | A5 format
ISBN 97808512149001


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Counting WMD</span>Counting WMD
The Spokesman 148
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

John Gittings - Hiding in the open
Nukewatch - Bad Posture
Keir Starmer MP, Caroline Lucas MP et al - Go Figure
Rob van Riet - Scarcely Reconcilable
Triconetinental Institute - War in Eurasia
* * *
Special Section -- Ken Fleet: A Selection
Ken Fleet - Accountant's Lot
Ken Fleet - Whatever happened at UCS?
Ken Fleet - Workers' Control
Ken Fleet - Triumph Meriden
Ken Fleet - Vanunu
* * *
Helen Jackson - Solidarity!
Regan Scott - Stan Newens

Price: £6.00

140 pages | A5 format
ISBN 9780851248998


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Challenging Nuclearism</span>Challenging Nuclearism
The Spokesman 147
Edited by Tony Simpson & Tom Unterrainer

Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham - Nothing Sacrosanct
Cdr Robert Forsyth - UK Nuclear Weapon Policy
* * *
TPNW Dossier - [download entire dossier]
Setsuko Thurlow - Through the doorway
Daryl G. Kimball - Turning Point
Beatrice Fihn and Daniel Hogsta - Changing Europe's Calculations
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Bertrand Russell - Disarmament
Richard Falk - Challenging Nuclearism
* * *
Jose Bustani - Rely on science
Elena Remigi et al - In Limbo
John Palmer - Human Skill
Mike Cooley - The Shout of Joy
Dexter Whitfield - Renewable Energy
Alva White, Uyi & Madi - Asylum For Sale
John Daniels - Stephen F. Cohen
Kate Amberley - The Claims of Women
Price: £6.00

138 pages | A5 format
ISBN 9780851248950


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Hiroshima, then Nagasaki</span>Hiroshima, then Nagasaki
The Spokesman 146
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tomihisa Taue - Nagasaki reminds us
Kazumi Matsui - Visit Hiroshima and act
Simon Coveney - No right hands for wrong weapons
Tom Unterrainer - Nuclear-Free Europe
Steve Fetter et al & Joanneke Balfoort - No case for explosive testing
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Nuclear predictability and restraint
Jenny Clegg - NATO, Europe, US & China
Stephanie Malin interview - The Price of Nuclear Power
Lucy Santos interview - Radiant Radium
Walden Bello - After Neoliberalism?
Dexter Whitfield - Equitable Recovery Strategies
Tony Simpson - Locality
Anthony Lane - Robin Fior
Edith Russell - Nuclear Matters & Politics
Bertrand Russell - A new approach to peace
Ken Coates - We haven’t long

Price: £6.00

116 pages | A5 format
ISBN 978 0 85124 8929


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Waging Peace</span>Waging Peace
The Spokesman 145 - Festschrift for David Krieger
Edited by Tony Simpson
Compiled by Rick Wayman & Carol Warner

Daisaku Ikeda - Wonderful Encounters
David Barash - Unmasked Deterrence
John Scales Avery - Flaws in Nuclear Deterrence
Commander Robert Green - New Nuclear Crisis
Steven Starr - Blind Eye to Armageddon
Richard Falk - The Nuclear Abolition Struggle
Peter J. Kuznick - Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Peter Weiss - Word Games
Jennifer Allen Simons - Not a good day for war
Fredrik S. Heffermehl - If weapons had been the answer...
Johan Galtung - War and its abolition
Ernst von Weizsäcker - Dangers of the Nuclear Age

Price: £6.00

142 pages | A5 size
ISBN 978 0 85124 8882


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Extinction rebellions</span>Extinction rebellions
The Spokesman 144
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Victoria Brittain - Global Dangers
Jessica Forst & Phillipp Straub - Carbon Bootprint
Angie Zelter - Extinction rebellion
Sergio Duarte - Why the Treaty matters
Dexter Whitfield - Green New Deals
Brian Davey - Reviving the Commons
Pope Francis - Nagasaki Appeal
Tony Simpson - Keep the Peace
Alexis Lykiard - Eyes Off the Doomsday Clock
Bertrand Russell - The Last Survivor of a Dead Epoch
Tony Simpson - Reel Russell
Ken Coates - Workers' Control
Keir Starmer - Pegged Back?
Legna Rodriguez Iglesias et al - A little body are many parts

Price: £6.00

122 pages | A5 size
ISBN 978 0 85124 8868


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Keep the Peace</span>Keep the Peace
The Spokesman 143
Edited by Tony Simpson

Bertrand Russell
50th Anniversary

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Bertrand Russell - Letter from H.M. Prison, Brixton
Pugwash - Appointment in Tehran
Tom Unterrainer - Plan for Iran
Helena Cobban - Chemical Weapons
Commander Robert Forsyth - Australia and the Bomb
Kazumi Matsui - Hiroshima Declaration
Zhores Medvedev - Chernobyl
Gregory Woods - Agbogbloshie Blues
Ken Coates - Working with Bertie
Peggy Duff & Ken Blackwell - Before CND
Bertrand Russell - Byron and the Byronic
Bertrand Russell - Letter to Oswald Mosley</a>>!!
Daniel Jakopovich - Inside the Goldmine
John McDonnell - Focus on Europe</a>>!!
Iran, China - NPT Dossier
Price: £6.00

128 pages | A5 size
ISBN 978 0 85124 8820


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>European Nuclear Disarmament</span>European Nuclear Disarmament
The Spokesman 142
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Joseph Gerson - The hour is getting late
Katarzyna Kubiak - Why the INF Treaty matters
Stephen F. Cohen - War with Russia?
Vladimir Chizhov - Russian Pillar
Lawrence Wittner - 'Yes' for an answer
Commander Robert Green - Force for good?
Ronnie Cowan MP, Carol Monaghan MP, Caroline Lucas MP, Deirdre Brock MP - Continuously at sea
Bertrand Russell - Win we must
Tom Unterrainer (ed) - END Info
Greta Thunberg - Our house is on fire
Mairead Maguire - Julian Assange - Nobel Prize?
Emma DeSouza - Citizen Denied
Simon Colbeck - Jo Vellacott
Andrey Platanovich Platonov - Lev Ozerov

Price: £6.00

114 pages | A5 size
ISBN 978 0 85124 8806


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Global Tinderbox</span>Global Tinderbox
The Spokesman 141
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tom Unterrainer - Global Tinderbox
Commander Robert Forsyth - Chilcot, Trident and Jeopardy
Christine De Luca - DNA
Adrian Smith - Answers on a Postcard
* * *
Future Wars - Papers from the CND conference!!
Carol Turner - New Technology and War
Dave Webb - Trump's Space Force
Patrice Salzenstein - Weaponisation of Space
Pere Brunet - Armed Robots
Steven Rose - Neurowar
Drone Wars UK - Off the Leash
Stuart Parkinson - Military-University collaborations
Lucas Wirl - Scientists and Engineers
* * *
Tony Simpson - Devoured by Brexit!!
Jo Vellacott - Catherine Marshall!!
Zhores Medvedev - Mysterious assassination!!
John Daniels - Gaza!!
Ross Bradshaw - Changing the world!!
Bertrand Russell - Foreign Policy!!

Price: £6.00

140 pages | A5 size
ISBN 978 0 85124 8790


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Europe for the many</span>Europe for the many
The Spokesman 140
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Stuart Holland - From Delors to Guterres
Sabine Losing - Militarising Europe Again
Liz Fekete & Ross Bradshaw - Europe's Fault Lines
Bertrand Russell - The Ancestry of Fascism
Commander Robert Forsyth - The Case Against UK Trident
Nuclear Education Trust - Defence Diversification

Price: £6.00

130 pages | A5 size


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Kurdish Voices?</span>Kurdish Voices?
The Spokesman 139
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Permanent Peoples' Tribunal - Turkey and Kurds
James Mattis et al -
Vladimir Putin - The boat we're in
Zhores & Roy Medvedev - Russia in six years
Jo Vellacott - Envoys
Ruth Watson & Greg Anscombe - Airburshed from history?
Ross Bradshaw - A working-class hero is something to be
Price: £6.00

140 pages | A5 size
ISBN 9 780851 248769


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Will we be blown up?</span>Will we be blown up?
The Spokesman 138
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Letters from Japan
Paul Rogers - Nuclear Posture Review
Kazuo Ishiguro - My Twentieth Century
Beatrice Fihn & Setsuko Thurlow - When will I be blown up?
John Galtung - Peace Banquet
Jeremy Corbyn & Reiner Braun - Common European Peace
Jeremy Corbyn - Our Common Humanity
Defence Diversification
Beata Polanowska - Second class citizens?
Elena Remigi - In Limbo
Jagdish Patel, Suresh Grover et al - Gathering place
Niccolo Milanese - Downgrading European Citizenship
Bertrand Russell - The CND
Peggy Duff - The Beginning
Afrin's Suffering
Price: £6.00

114 pages | A5 size
ISBN 9 780851 248738


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Touching Distance?</span>Touching Distance?
The Spokesman 137
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Claudia Delpero - In Limbo
Keir Starmer MP - Power Unplugged
Charter of Fundamental Rights
Paul Mason - Social Democracy
Robert Green - Jettisoning Nuclear Dogma
Paul H Johnstone - NATO's sleight-of-hand
Veronika Susova-Salminen - Inclusive European Security
Ireland welcomes nuclear ban Treaty
Bertrand Russell - NATO forever?
John Pilger - The killing of history
Roy and Zhores Medvedev - From Lenin to Putin
Jean Bricmont and Normand Beillargeon - Bertrand Russell's Vital Socialism

Price: £6.00

130 pages | A5 size
ISBN 9 780851 248684


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>European Citizen</span>European Citizen
The Spokesman 136
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: European Citizen
Michel Barnier - Unknown Citizen?
Michel Barnier - Personal Paradoxes
Frances O'Grady - Brexit at Work
Patricia Mindus - Enacting European Citizenship
Brexit Dossier
Stephen Lowe - The Weekend
Ludo de Brabander & Donald Tusk - Whither Europe?
Tony Simpson - Where wars begin
Peggy Duff - Would you press the button?
Lyn Smith - People Power
Ray Perkins Jr - 'Chicken' in Korea
Robert Green - China's military philosophy and strategy
John Taylor - Unbridgeable differences
Alva White - Refugees
Price: £6.00

114 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 9 780851 248660


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Rojova in view</span>Rojova in view
The Spokesman 135
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: 'Europe in View'
Salih Muslim Muhammed et al - Rojava in view
Hatip Dicle - A democratic republic?
HDP - Turkey's new dictatorship
Turkey Civic Commission - EU, Turkey and the Kurds
Angela Davis - Resistance on the ground
Alexis Lykiard - Pax Americana
Robert Green - Silent mindset
Caroline Leroy - Prevent nuclear catastrophe
Xi Jinping - Delicious soup
Bruce Kent and Robet Hinde - Gentil Knight
Bertrand Russell - Divorce of science & culture
D H Lawrence - Nottingham and the mining country

Price: £6.00

120 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 9 780851 248639


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Climate of Peace?</span>Climate of Peace?
The Spokesman 134
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Alva White - We rescue people
Mike Harding - Shrines
Tony Simpson - The Conflict Shoreline
Jeremy Corbyn MP - Environment and Energy
Nick Buxton - Securing whose future?
Maria Sotiropoulou - Cruel Sea
Reiner Hoffman - Sustainable Development
Tom Unterrainer - Eyewitness in Berlin
International Peace Bureau - Action Agenda
John Pilger - Finish Line
Bertrand Russell - Pugwash Point of View
International People's Tribunal - Findings on Indonesia
HDP - We Will Win
Abigail Parry - The Man Himself
John Berger - Happy Birthday

Price: £6.00

130 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 9 780851 248622


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Socially Useful Production</span>Socially Useful Production
The Spokesman 133
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Jeremy Corbyn MP - Rebuilding politics
Frances O’Grady et al - Human face of labour
Phil Asquith - Lucas revisited
Michael Ward - London's alternative
Adrian Smith - Society and technology
Tom Unterrainer - Trade unions
Adrian Smith et al - Grassroots movements
Abigail Parry - Goat
Tony Blair et al - IRAQ – The Reckoning
Muhammad Ali - Bertrand Russell
Mike Harding - Belfast Flight – 1979
Jo Vellacott - Working with Labour


Price: £6.00

124 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 8608


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Another Europe is Possible</span>Another Europe is Possible
The Spokesman 132
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Stuart Holland - Beyond Austerity: Democratising Europe
DiEM25 Manifesto
Sergey Lavrov - Peaceful Means
Gregory Woods - Sergey Eisenstein
Anthony Lane - Einstein and Homintern
Abigail Parry - Good Morning, Captain
Alastair Crooke - Silver Bullets
Richard Falk, David Krieger and Robert Laney - Political Responsibility
Margaretta D’Arcy - Ireland's Guantanamo Granny
Michael Mears - A Pacifist Not at War
Tony Simpson - Violence of the 'lambs'
Phil Johnstone and Andy Stirling - Submerged Politics


Price: £6.00

106 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8578


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Underwater Battlespace</span>Underwater Battlespace
The Spokesman 131
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Cdr Robert Green - Force for good?
Lawrence S. Wittner - Downwinders and other Casualties
Jonathan Steele - New Cold War?
Jenny Clegg - China, Britain and Labour
Jeremy Corbyn MP - Labour Movement
Len McCluskey - ‘So far as may be lawful’
Frances O’Grady - Architect or Bee?
Jo Vellacott - Suffragette
Richard Minns - ‘Economy’ no more?
Gregory Woods - Life History
A. C. Clarke - Missing


Price: £6.00

100 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8530


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>One Belt, One Road</span>One Belt, One Road
The Spokesman 130
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Xinhua News Agency - One Belt, One Road timeline
Johan Galtung - US policy towards challengers
Tony Simpson - China and Russell
Bertrand Russell - China’s Road to Freedom
Michael Rosen -
Don't mention the children
Jeremy Corbyn - Internationalist at Work
Carmel Budiardjo - West Papua: Still no choice
Paola Totaro - Telling, not Selling
John Gittings - Shakespeare and Tolstoy on peace and war
Cyril Pearce - Britain’s 1914-18 War Resisters


Price: £6.00

106 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8509


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Substandard – Eyewitness reports Trident</span>Substandard – Eyewitness reports Trident
The Spokesman 129
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Cdr Robert Green - Out of its Depth
AB William McNeilly - Trident at Sea
John Ainslie - Substandard
Alex Salmon MP et al - Trident in Question
General Lee Butler interviewed by Robert Kazel - Uncommon Cause
Frances O’Grady - Educate, Agitate, Organise!
Tony Simpson - Better Idea
Tom Unterrainer - Discovery
In Memoriam: Michael Barratt Brown
Michael Barratt Brown - Solidarity from Below
Malcolm Ball - Northern College
Victoria Bawtree - A Personal Tribute
Stan Newens - Purposeful Life


Price: £6.00

132 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8486


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Think Globally, Act Locally</span>Think Globally, Act Locally
The Spokesman 128
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Richard Sakwa - Europe’s Civil War
Ken Coates - Common Home
Tony Simpson - Russia’s Poetry
Ken Coates - From a mob to a movement
Peter Maurer - Red Cross Alert!
David Krieger - Conversion of the Heart
Alexis Tsipras - Reparations Unpaid
Loula Vlahoutsikou Giannakopoulou - Our Breath of Life
Frances O’Grady - Gifts from Greece?
Trevor Griffiths - Comedians
Stanton B Garner Jr - ‘Something as ugly as this joke’
Benedict Cooper, Zenn Athar & Ursula Holdsworth - Save our NHS
Caroline Salzedo - I Love This Body
Jo Vellacott - Conscientious Objection


Price: £6.00

106 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8479


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Trident Undone</span>Trident Undone
The Spokesman 127
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Commander Robert Green RN (retired) - Paradigm Shift
Jeremy Corbyn MP & Julian Lewis MP - The Politics of Trident
Shannon N. Kile & Hans M. Kristensen - ‘Mingled Asset Ownership’
Robert Green - Why I rejected nuclear deterrence
Einstein and Russell
Andy Worthington - Remember Guantánamo
Alexis Tsipras, interviewed by Haris Golemis - Syriza and Europe
Lord Byron - The Curse of Minerva
Stuart Holland - Realising Europe’s recovery proposals
Alastair Crooke - Looking ahead
John Kinsella - Pilgrimage
Tom Unterrainer - The 1970s
Yuri Larin’s Space
Anna Larina - Reunion with Yura
John Kinsella - Secular Contemporary Hermit Song


Price: £6.00

116 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 845 5


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Even unto Gaza</span>Even unto Gaza
The Spokesman 126
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Richard Falk - Preventing the crime of indifference
Eran Efrati - The killing of Salem Khalil Shammaly
Mohammed Omer - What happened in Khuza’a
Ahdaf Soueif - The world on notice
Russell Tribunal on Palestine - Gaza under attack: Summary of findings
John Gittings - Who started the First World War?
Bertrand Russell - A Pacifist at War
John Daniels - Africa Genocide
Tony Simpson - NATO – NO, TA!
Saskia J Stuiveling & Ellen M A van Schoten - NATO’s modest steps
David Vine - Ice Cream
Mike Cooley - Insulting Machines
Ray Perkins, Jr - Chrome Dome


Price: £6.00

126 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 843 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Rough Violence</span>Rough Violence
The Spokesman 125
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Alastair Crooke - Islamic State
Vladimir Putin - How I see it
Ray McGovern - China, Russia and Ukraine
Diana Johnstone - Iron Curtain Reprise
Gabriel Kolko - NATO: Expanding or Exploding?
Ben Thompson - His Master’s Voice
Hugo Radice - Warwick University Ltd
Ron Rose - How the world works
Lucy Gill & Chris Carter - Warwick University Ltd 40 years on
Michael Barratt Brown - Education and Democracy
Accounting for Orgreave
Trevor Griffiths - Thatcher’s Children
Nick Matthews - Co-operation Halted?
Khatchatur I Pilikian - Genocide
Nicole Morris, Bernard Dréano, Abi Rhodes - Peace Event Sarajevo
Dave Webb - The sun rose in the west


Price: £6.00

136 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 839 4


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Problems of NATO</span>Problems of NATO
The Spokesman 124
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Zhores and Roy Medvedev - Ukraine and Crimea
Russ Bellant and Paul H Rosenberg - Secret Ukraine
Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt - Biden's Willing
John Pilger - The Strangelove Effect
Catherine Ashton and Urmas Paet - Whose snipers in Kiev?
Jeremy Corbyn MP - Problems of NATO
Moazzam Begg - Why they took my passport
Tony Benn - I am no historian
Alexis Tsipras MP - Another Europe
John Markakis - Whither Greece?
Bruce Kent - War against War
Ian Fairlie - UK Energy Policy?
Tony Simpson - END revisited
Keith Howden - Let this Frame Stand


John Gittings - World War One Watch

Price: £6.00

124 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 834 9


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Tata Madiba</span>Tata Madiba
Spokesman 123
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Beverley Naidoo - In search of Neil Aggett
Nelson Mandela - The Long Walk
Taha Muhammad ’Ali - Never in his Life
Marwan Barghouthi - Unconquerable Soul
Abdullah Öcalan - A comrade in Mandela
Leonard Weiss - The South Atlantic Flash
Michael Barratt Brown - Kuapa Kokoo
Caroline Lucas MP - The cracks in fracking
Gayle Kinkead - Refusing to pay for war
Panos Trigazis - Europe Rebuilt
Che Qianzi - Chinese Pinyin
Grayson Perry - Taste and Democracy
Ayse Berktay - Speaking Freely


Price: £6.00

114 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 830 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Middle East free of WMD?</span>The Middle East free of WMD?
Spokesman 122
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Conflicts Forum - Syria: A point of change?
Sergei Lavrov - Russia's view
Tony Simpson - From chemical to nuclear
Chelsea Manning - Remember your humanity
K. J. Noh - Oppose this base
Alex Farquharson & Ralph E. Lapp - Aquatopians
Bertrand Russell & Ralph Miliband - Anecdotage
Abi Rhodes - Ayse Berktay
Trevor Griffiths - Umkhonto
Tony Simpson - Crossing Derry
Martin McGuinness MLA - Peace needs partnership


Price: £6.00

102 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8288


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Unruly Dog</span>Unruly Dog
Spokesman 121
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Edward Snowden - Against the Public Interest
William Hague MP et al - Don't be vague
Sylvie Guillaume MEP and Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP - Prism and GCHQ
Tony Simpson - 'A dog in this fight'
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - 'Dog'
Bruce Gagnon - The Kill Chain
E P Thompson - Prayer for the Year's Turning
The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Fifty Years On
Bertrand Russell - Must hate and death return?
Bertrand Russell - Appeal to the American Conscience
Ken Coates - Bertrand Russell and Industrial Democracy
Peggy Duff - CND and Greece
Tony Simpson - Peace in our way
Vicki Sentas - Peace in Kurdistan?


Price: £6.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 8264


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>On Palestine and Prisoners</span>On Palestine and Prisoners
Spokesman 120
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Mahmoud Darwish - Poem
Marwan Barghouti - This day shall come
Stéphane Hessel - Time for justice
Angela Davis - More to come
Trevor Griffiths - Sons and Lovers A ‘version’
Abdullah Öcalan - A new beginning
Ayse Berktay - I demand my acquittal
Daniel Ellsberg - Hearing Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning - Why I blew the whistle
Tony Simpson - Nottingham Contemporary


Price: £6.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8233


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Kurdish Question in Turkey</span>The Kurdish Question in Turkey
Spokesman 119
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - The Kurdish Question in Turkey
Leyla Zana MP - The arduous business of peace
Zübeyir Aydar - Time to talk
Ayse Berktay - Questioning 'terror'

Roger Waters - We the peoples
Tony Simpson - Nottingham departed
Colin Firth - In praise of troublemakers
Ben Thompson - The problem of China, revisited
William Morris - How I became a Socialist
Mike Marqusee - This morning's surprise
Yayoi Tsuchida - Middle East nuke free

Dossier: Kurds on Trial

Price: £6.00

100 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8219


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Narrative of Peace</span>The Narrative of Peace
Spokesman 118
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Coalition Politics
John Gittings - The Narrative of Peace
Ban Ki-moon - Opportunities Lost
Sergio Duarte - Assembly Line for Disarmament
Trevor Griffiths - March Time
Ruth Lister - Social Security
Dexter Whitfield - Care and Health

Dossier - Hiroshima

Price: £6.00

156 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8202


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Keep Space for Peace</span>Keep Space for Peace
Spokesman 117
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Stephen F Cohen - Cold War Chill
Bruce Gagnon - Is Missile Defence Working?
Esther Koohan Paik - Jeju meets Hawaii
Abi Rhodes - Defence against whose Missiles?
Betrand Russell - Cuban Missile Crisis – 50 years on
Gabriel Kolko - Turbulence Ahead
Zhores Medvedev - Feeding the Cities
Juheina Khaldieh reviews Jehan Helou - Palestinian Women
Daniel Jakopovich - Yugoslavia’s Self-Management
Mike Harding - Cissy Worswick Dances

Dossier - Greece

The Save Jeju Campaign has a new website:

Price: £6.00

126 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8165


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Keep Space for Peace - ePUB</span>Keep Space for Peace - ePUB
Spokesman 117
Edited by Tony Simpson

This is the ePUB version of Keep Space for Peace, which can be downloaded onto your PC, Sony eReader, iPad and iPhone.

Once bought please SAVE THE FILE and add it to your eReader as required.

Price: £3.99

ISBN: 978 0 85124 8196
ePUB format


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Resist Much, Obey Little</span>Resist Much, Obey Little
A collection in honour of Ken Coates
Spokesman 116
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Ken Coates - Insistent Lad
Ken Coates - Poverty and the IWC
Ken Coates interviewed by George Lambie
A Political Life
Michael Barratt Brown
The Institute for Workers’ Control
Bill Silburn - St Ann’s
Regan Scott - About Ken
John Daniels - Lifelong Comrade
Tony Benn interviewed by Tony Simpson
History Will Be Kind


Stuart Holland on Ben Bella

A review of Resist Much, Obey Little by Ross Bradshaw for History Workshop Online

Price: £6.00

126 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8141


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Resist Much, Obey Little - ePUB</span>Resist Much, Obey Little - ePUB
A collection in honour of Ken Coates
Spokesman 116
Edited by Tony Simpson

This is the ePUB version of Resist Much, Obey Little, which can be downloaded onto your PC, Sony eReader, iPad and iPhone.

Once bought please SAVE THE FILE and add it to your eReader as required.

Price: £3.99

ISBN: 978 0 85124 8158
ePUB format


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Syria and Iran</span>Syria and Iran
Spokesman 115
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: Syria and Iran
Aisling Byrne - Regime change in Syria?
Brian Jones - Iran - lessons unlearnt
Ayse Berktay - Prison Notes
Trevor Griffiths - Habaccuc Dreams
Gabriel Kolko - Germany goes for broke
Stuart Holland - Europe needs growth
Lord Byron - Framing ideas
Christopher Gifford - Nuclear Explosions
Michael Barratt Brown - Ill fares the land

Jim Mortimer reviews Ken Livingstone's Memoirs

Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8110


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>From Hiroshima to Fukushima</span>From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Spokesman 114
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Terumi Tanaka - Hibakusha and Fukushima
Hachiro Sato - Fukushima’s Quagmire
Helen Caldicott - Fukushima’s Radioactive Elements
Seiji Takato - Black Rain
Hiroshi Taka - A world without nuclear weapons
World Conference Against A & H Bombs - Declaration
Naomi Klein - Occupy!
Noam Chomsky - Academic Freedom?
John Dugard - Apartheid in South Africa and Palestine?
Alastair Crooke - The ‘great game’ in Syria
Brian Jones - Iraq's Report X
Stephanie Sampson - Building Bridges
Raymond Williams - The Country and the City


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8097


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>NATO? - No thanks!</span>NATO? - No thanks!
Spokesman 113
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: NATO? - No thanks!
Peter Dale Scott - The Libyan War
Rick Rozoff - NATO's War on Libya
Global Network - Global Strike
Ikeda Some, translated by James Kirkup
& Michio Nakano - Umebosh
Zhores Medvedev - Fukushima
Ambassador Glyn Davies - Prime Candidate
Carmel Budiardjo - The Land of Papua
Stuart Holland - New Deal for Europe
Panos Trigazis, Bruce Kent & Colin Archer - Michalis Peristerakis
Stan Newens - Ocalan’s Prison Writings
John Daniels - Public Health
Mike Pentelow & Peter Arkell - Feargus O’Connor
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights - Appeal from Egypt


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8042


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>What's happening at Fukushima?</span>What's happening at Fukushima?
Spokesman 112
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: What's happening at Fukushima?
Masakazu Yasui - Letter from Japan
Katsunobu Sakurai - Appeal from Minamisome
Johan Galtung - Libya
Mustafa Barghouti - Lessons from Egypt
Alexis Lykiard - Setting Out
Merav Amir & Dalit Baum - Corporate Complicity
Michael Barratt Brown & David Browning - Paying for Higher Education
Zhores Medvedev - Dangerous Occupation
Michael Moore - America is not broke
Raoul Marc Jennar - What's left?
Barry Baldwin - Ancient Socialism
Ian Watson - God, King, and Dennis Law


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8004


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Complicity against Palestine</span>Complicity against Palestine
Spokesman 111
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: Complicity against Palestine
Dalit Baum - Who profits?
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Alice Walker - A Circle
US Embassy, London - Diego Garcia
Noam Chomsky interviewed by Amy Goodman - Exposing Western leadership
Paul Rodgers - America’s shiver
Zhores Medvedev - Dangerous occupation
Jeremy Corbyn MP - Love of learning
Diana Johnstone - NATO and US Grand Strategy
Lynne Jones - Regime change or disarming WMD?
Michael Baratt Brown - Basil Davidson


Alexis Lykiard - Haiku

Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7908


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>What Price Austerity?</span>What Price Austerity?
Spokesman 110
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: What Price Austerity?
Mark Serwotka - Not a single job has to be lost
PCS - There is an alternative
Stuart Holland - Demythologising 'Old Labour'
Brian Jones - Failing Intelligence
Hans von Sponeck - Scared of the facts
Caroline Lucas MP - Afghanistan - Nail the Myth
Bertrand Russell - Prevent the crime of silence
Richard Falk and David Krieger - The Middle East
Rep. Dennis Kucinich - What we have to do
Carmel Budiardjo - West Papua's Plight
Jimmy Reid - We're not rats
Michael Barratt Brown - Is there not an alternative?
Stuart Holland - Act and Survive


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7854


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Reinventing Socialism</span>Reinventing Socialism
Spokesman 109
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial: Reinventing Socialism
Sidney Webb - Clause IV
Clement Atlee - 'We cannot administer capitalism'
Ken Coates - Blair's Initiative
Ken Coates - A Tribute
Noam Chomsky - The Radical Intellectual
Henning Mankell - 'Maybe we should talk about my books'
Tony Simpson - What the Spooks Want
David Kelly - A Fresh Inquiry?
Bertrand Russell - Why I am a Guildsman


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7793


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A Special Relationship ...</span>A Special Relationship ...
with Truth?
Spokesman 108
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial: Special Relationship?
The Rt. Hon. Sir Edmund Thomas QC - Lord Goldsmith and Iraq
Bertolt Brecht - Parade of the Old New
Bob Marshall-Andrews MP - Another Agenda
Bob Dixon - Demockracy
Scott Ritter - Britain Can't Handle the Truth
Bertrand Russell - Writing Principia
Kurt Vonnegut - Kurt Is up in Heaven Now
Farewell Michael Foot
The Rt Hon the Lord Judge, The Rt Hon the Lord Neuberger - Judgment
Clive Stafford Smith - Spooks Sold down the River
Alexis Lykiard - The Chilcot Enquiry
Nurit Peled Elhanan - Carnage in Gaza


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7779


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Regime Changers Anonymous</span>Regime Changers Anonymous
Spokesman 107
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Regime Changers Anonymous
Tony Simpson - Fixing the Intelligence?
Lord Goldsmith - Law and War
Lord Steyn - The legality of the invasion of Iraq
David Halpin - Who killed David Kelly?
Alexis Lykiard - Haiku
John Arden - Gallows
Noam Chomsky - The US and Israel
John Berger - Al Rabweh
Mahmoud Darwish - The Dice Player


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7755


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Responsibility to Protest</span>Responsibility to Protest
After Lockerbie
Spokesman 106
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial: After Lockerbie
Robert Black - Lockerbie and the Law
Hans Köchler - Unfair Trial
Marcello Mega - Lockerbie - the Cover-up
Tam Dalyell - The Crime of Lockerbie
John Pilger - The Party of Criminal War
Noam Chomsky - Responsibility to Protest
Tony Blair - Pirate's Charter
Ken Coates - Benign Whitewash
Reprieve - Kidnapped on Diego Garcia
Ann Talbot, Trevor Griffiths - 'A New World' at The Globe


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7724


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Money Troubles ... War Crimes</span>Money Troubles ... War Crimes
Spokesman 105
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial: Money Troubles
War Crimes
Gordon Brown
Bob Marshall-Andrews MP, Sir Menzies Campbell MP, Michael Mates MP, David Davis MP, George Galloway MP Alan Simpson MP, Adam Price MP

Matthew Rycroft - The Downing Street Memo
E. W. Thomas - Indictment of Tony Blair
Michael Barratt Brown - The Banks
Jim Mortimer - What Labour Forgot
Henry McCubbin - European Elections
James Kirkup - My A-Bomb Biography
George Lansbury - The Titanic and The Herald


Price: £6.00

80 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7694


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Revolutions</span>Revolutions
Altering the World Money
Tom Paine ... Two, Three, Many Revolutions

Spokesman 104
Edited by Ken Coates

Paul Rogers - Drone Wars in Pakistan
Ken Coates - Blowback or Frame-up in Lancashire?
Peter Linebaugh - Tom Paine: Two, Three, Many Revolutions ...

Altering the World Money
Michael Barratt Brown - On Redistribution
Stuart Holland - On Bretton Woods
Ken Coates - Unfinished Business
Zhou Xiaochuan - How to Do It

John Dugard - Apartheid in Palestine

Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Nurit Peled - Until When?
Ken Coates - Russell Tribunals
Richard Falk - Situation in Palestine

George Galloway MP - Viva Palestina
Tony Simpson - Licence to Torture
Bryan Gould - I Disown this Government


Price: £6.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7687


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Unholy Land</span>Unholy Land
Spokesman 103
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - The Second Coming of King Herod
Alexis Lykiard - Ref: An Offical Memo
Noam Chomsky - 'Exterminate all the Brutes'
Avi Shlaim - Israel's War against Hamas
Richard Falk - Gaza and the Law
Mustafa Barghouti - Steadfast before Goliath
Mousa Abu Marzook - A letter from Hamas
Gerald Kaufmann MP - 'Not simply war criminals'
Trevor Griffiths- The Gulf Between Us
Shami Chakrabarti; Geoff Hoon MP
Covering up Torture
Adrian Mitchell - At the Crossroads


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7656


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Slump and War</span>Slump and War
Spokesman 102
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Noam Chomsky - Meltdown Election
Roy and Zhores Medvedev - South Ossetia
John Berger - From A to X
Richard Minns - Weapons for Pensions
Oskar Lafontaine - The Crisis
Michael Barratt Brown
Edward Carpenter, Unsung Hero


Price: £6.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7618


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Tskhinvali: Shock and Awe</span>Tskhinvali: Shock and Awe
Spokesman 101
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Vladimir Putin - America's Role in Georgia
Mahmoud Darwish & Saifedean Ammous
In Praise of the High Shadow
Stephen Cohen - New American Cold War
Andrew Mackinlay MP - Intelligence Disgrace
Gareth Pierce interviewed by Moazzam Begg
Punishing the Innocent
Mahmoud Darwish - Mohammad
Jean Ziegler - Nothing for the Hungry
James Petras - Roots of Hunger
Mike Cooley - From Judgment to Calculation
Trevor Griffiths interviewed by Ann Talbot
Revisiting Tom Paine


Price: £6.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7571


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Democracy: Growing or Dying?</span>Democracy: Growing or Dying?
Spokesman 100
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
John Hughes & Charles Atkinson
Russell as Industrial Democrat
Bertrand Russell - The Infancy of Socialism
Karl W. Kapp - Market against Environment
Mike Cooley - Meeting Social Needs
Ken Coates - European Nuclear Disarmament
Yuri Zhukhov & Ken Coates -
Bertrand Russell -
Palestine Tragedy
Oskar Lafontaine -
Kevin Rudd -
After Hiroshima
William E. Odom - The Surge: A Balance Sheet

Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Obama on Cuba
Castro on Obama
War Crimes in Derry


FREE ePUB eBook edition:

Price: £5.00

120 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7557


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Obama's Afghan Dilemma</span>Obama's Afghan Dilemma
Spokesman 99
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Ending the War Without End
Barack Obama - Afghan Dilemma
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Turbulence in the Global Balkans
Paul Rogers - Mission Impossible
Ben Griffin - Extraordinary Rendition: Britain's Role
Tony Simpson & Mark Seddon -
Suspects on Diego Garcia
John Lanchester - Good Day, Comrade Shtrum
George N. Lewis & Theodore A. Postol - Target Russia?
Christopher Gifford - Nuclear Mendacity: An Antidote
Philip Webber - Trident's Nuclear Winter?
Kate Hudson, Helen Clark, Maj Britt Theorin -
Obama on Nukes


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7533


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Trident - Nuclear Proliferation</span>Trident - Nuclear Proliferation
the British Way
Spokesman 98
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Maj Britt Theorin
Is a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World Achievable?
Mayors for Peace - Nuclear Disarmament: Still Waiting
Jacqueline Cabasso - The Cost of Nukes
Alexis Lykiard - Conversion Currency
An Original Screenplay by Trevor Griffiths
Willie and Maud


Price: £5.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 751 9

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Brown Studies</span>Brown Studies
Spokesman 97
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Kurt Vonnegut - My Last Word
Ralph Steadman - My Friend Vonnegut
John Berger- Erasing the Past
Gabriel Kolko - Breaking Storm?
Paul Rogers - Brown's Direction?
Gordon Brown - Planned Economy
Jim Mortimer - Prospects for Labour
Joe Marino - New Beginnings?
Jean Jaurès - Socialist Aim
Leon Trotsky - Jaurès
Kevin Cahill - Blackwater
Alex Salmond MSP - Scotland against Nukes
David Webb - Star Wars


Price: £5.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 750 2


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Legacies of Harm</span>Legacies of Harm
Spokesman 96
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Kurt Vonnegut - Kurt is up in Heaven Now
John Berger - Stones
Noam Chomsky - Star Wars Again
Hans von Sponeck interviewed by Silvia Cattori
Manipulating the Security Council
Zhores Medvedev - Polonium-210 in London
Usamah Hamden, Michael Ancram MP, Jonathan Lehrle, Mark Perry - Eyeless in Gaza
Gabriel Kolko - Israel
James Alexander Thom - The man without a country
Alexis Lykiard - Two Poems


Price: £5.00

100 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7472


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>War Crimes</span>War Crimes
Spokesman 95
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Alice Mahon - Introduction
E W Thomas of the Supreme Court of New Zealand - An Indictment of Tony Blair, and the failure of the political process
Alex Salmond MP - Blair's Impeachment
Adam Price MP - A Pre-emptive Lie
Richard Horton - The Lancet Survey - The Truth will out
Noam Chomsky interviewed by Michael Shank - Ensuring Obedience
Craig Murray - Speaking Peace on the BBC


Price: £8.00

86 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7458


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Surging for Oil</span>Surging for Oil
Spokesman 94
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Antonia Juhasz - Oil and the Bush Agenda
Alexis Lykiard - Defining Terms
Paul Rogers - Tony Blair's Long War
Mairead Corrigan Maguire - Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
Mikhail Gorbachev - We Still Need Disarmament
Robert Fisk - Armenia: The First Holocaust

Voices from Scotland
Donald Adamson - Scotland Unconfined
Steve Cardownie - Entering an Age of Coalitions
William Walker - Trident - Not in Our Backyard
John Ainslie - Is Trident Crippled?

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Gerald Kaufmann MP, George Galloway MP - Middle East Policy: Some Alternative Views


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7434


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Genocide: Old and New</span>Genocide: Old and New
Spokesman 93
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert Fisk - The First Holocaust
Raphael Lemkin - Genocide
Jean-Paul Sartre - On Genocide
Hans Blix - Nuclear weapons: A disarmament deficit
Right Reverend Alan McDonald - Woe Unto Trident
Cardinal Keith O'Brien - Blessed are the Peace Makers
Adam Price MP, Margaret Beckett MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Alex Salmond MP - From Suez to Iraq


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7335


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Carnage Continues ... </span>The Carnage Continues ...
and now for TRIDENT!
Spokesman 92
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
David Gentlemen - 'No' in Colour
John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter & José Saramago - The Unseen Outrage
Noam Chomsky interviewed by Merav Yudilovitch - Apocalypse Near
Alexis Lykiard - Episode in the War Against Error
Tadatoshi Akiba - At a Crossroads
Hans Blix - There Are No Safe Nukes
Paul Rogers - What Makes Britain's Nukes 'Usable'?
John Ainslie - Nuclear Dependency
Kurt Vonnegut - Fates Worse than DEATH
Gabriel Kolko - Crisis of Greed
Immanuel Wallerstein - Whose Century?
James Alexander Thom - Semper Fou


Price: £5.00

80 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7298


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Haditha Ethics</span>Haditha Ethics
From Iraq to Iran?
Spokesman 91
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Gabriel Kolko - The World Comes Apart
Peter Dale Scott - The US Establishment and Al Qaeda
Pablo Neruda - The Bolivarian Revolution: Song for Boliviar
Evo Morales - Waiting for Boliviar
Hugo Chavez - Facing down the Coup
Christopher Gifford - Is Nuclear Power Safe?
Trevor Griffiths - These Are the Times
Amnesty International - Where are the Secret Prisons


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7274


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>How to Lose a War</span>How to Lose a War
Spokesman 90
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Arundhati Roy - Vice Visits Virtue
Gabriel Kolko -
Nato: Expanding or Exploding?
John P. Murtha - War in Iraq: Time to Go
Christopher Hampton - Three Poems
Kurt Vonnegut - Dispatch from a Man without a Country
Denis Halliday interviewed by David Barsamian
UN: Quis custodiet iposo custodes?
Tony Bunyan - Europe and Extraordinary Rendition
John Berger - Drawn to that Moment


Price: £5.00

80 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7243


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Extraordinary Rendition</span>Extraordinary Rendition
Spokesman 89
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Harold Pinter - Art, Truth and Politics
Case Studies: Maher Arar's Story; Abu Omar's Story; Khaled El-Marsi's Story; Omar Deghayes's Story; Soliders out of Control; Privatised Interrogation
Condoleezza Rice, Andrew Tyrie MP - 'US does not Condone'
Human Rights Watch, Council of Europe - American Prisoners in Europe
Naomi Klein - Precedents for Torture
Lord Steyn interviewed by Jon Snow - Rendition is Abduction
Lawrence Wilkerson - Who fooled America?


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7229


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Inside the Crusader Fortress</span>Inside the Crusader Fortress
Spokesman 88
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert Fisk - Inside the Crusader Fortress
Phil Shiner - Preventive Attack
Dario Fo - My Father's Funeral
Khatchatur I Pilikian - Genocide
Kurt Vonnegut - A Letter
Francois Houtart - Neoliberalism and Poverty
Donald N. Wilber - Regime Change 1952-3
Tony Simpson - Aiding Proliferation


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7168


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Suicide Bombers</span>The Suicide Bombers
Spokesman 87
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert S. McNamara - Joy Shall be in Heaven ...
Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma - The Final Abyss
Zia Mian - The Nuclear Future?
Kurt Vonnegut - Three Poems
Rudyard Kipling - Mesopotamia 1917
John Berger - World Tribunal on Iraq
Arundhati Roy - The Age of Irony
Hans von Sponeck - How the UN Failed
Ken Coates - Unfinished Business for the Peace Movement
Michael Barratt Brown - Mr Blair's Africa


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7137


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Apocalypse Soon</span>Apocalypse Soon
Spokesman 86
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Naomi Klein - Disaster Capitalism
John Humphrys, Tony Blair, Reg Keys -
Not Fit to be Prime Minister?
Laurence H. Silberman & Charles S. Robb - Curveball
Hans von Sponeck - Iraq and the UN
Ralph Steadman - A Sense of Proportion
Tony Bunyan - Countering Civil Rights


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7106


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell</span>Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell
Manifesto 50
Spokesman 85
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Kurt Vonnegut - Requiem
Michele Ernsting, Joseph Rotblat & Ken Coates -
Buliding the Bomb - The Nuclear Arms Race
Bertrand Russell & Albert Einstein - The Russell/Einstein Manifesto
Seymour Melman - Convert and Disarm
John Berger - The First Fireball
Noam Chomsky - Doctrines and Visions


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6970


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Fallujah: Shock and Awe</span>Fallujah: Shock and Awe
Spokesman 84
Edited Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Stephen Hawking - Is it a War Crime?
The Lancet Survey - Iraq: How Many Dead?
William E. Odom - Iraq: Arguments for Withdrawal
Naomi Klein - Baghdad Year Zero
Scott Ritter - Squeezing Jello in Iraq
Jonathan Steele - Ending Nato?
James Kirkup - Poem of the Day
John Berger - Michael Moore, artist and Patriot
Kurt Vonnegut - I Love you, Madame Librarian
Ken Coates - The Case of Dr al Saadi


Price: £5.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7069


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>From Tom Paine to Guantanamo</span>From Tom Paine to Guantanamo
Spokesman 83
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert Fisk - Iraq Implodes
Michael Moore - Living with Farenheit 9/11
Bertrand Russell - Tom Paine
Kurt Vonnegut - Skull and Bones
Inge Genefke & Bent Sorenson - Torture is a Crime
Ken Coates, Robin Blackburn, Andre Brie & Michael Barratt Brown - European Social Forum in London
Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal & Rhuhal Ahmed - Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay
James Kirkup - Broad Daylight


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7021


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>America's Gulag</span>America's Gulag
Full Spectrum Dominance
versus Universal Human Rights

Spokesman 82
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
James Kirkup - Bertrand Russell
Irene Khan - Dear Mr President
Ibrahim Warde - Iraq: Looter's Licence
Kurt Vonnegut - Creative Writing
Bruce Kent - Vanunu: Free at Last


Price: £5.00

80 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6918


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Dark Times: Torture</span>Dark Times: Torture
Spokesman 81
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Louise Christian - Experiment in Inhumanity
Lord Steyn - Guantanamo Bay: Legal Black Hole
Inge Genefke - Torture: Weapon against Democracy
Lindsey Collen & Ragini Kristnasamy - How Diego Garcia was Stolen
Kurt Vonnegut - The State of the Asylum
Arundhati Roy - Project for a New World Communion
Hawzheen O. Kareem & Noam Chomsky - Remembering History
Richard B. Du Boff - US Hegemony
Ken Coates - Iraq's Declaration: What Happened?


Price: £5.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6888


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Strangelove Doctrine</span>The Strangelove Doctrine
Spokesman 80
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert Fisk - A Lesson in Obfustication
Some Glimpses at the Hutton Inquiry- Official Blackmail?
Mustafa Barghouthi - A Tribute to Edward W. Said
Edward W. Said - What They Want is My Silence
Ken Coates - Dealing with the Hydra
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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Speak Truth to Power</span>Speak Truth to Power
Spokesman 79
Edited by Ken Coates

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Ken Coates - Will Iran be Next?
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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Confessions of a Terrorist</span>Confessions of a Terrorist
Spokesman 78
Edited by Ken Coates

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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Appointment in Cordoba</span>Appointment in Cordoba
Defending Peace and Human Rights
in Europe and the Middle East

Spokesman 77
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Ken Coates - Appointment in Cordoba
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ISBN: 978 085124 6758


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The New American Century?</span>The New American Century?
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Edited by Ken Coates

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ISBN: 978 085124 6727


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The War on Terror Runs Amok</span>The War on Terror Runs Amok
New World Order
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Edited by Ken Coates

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An Appeal from United States Citizens to Friends in Europe, and Some Responses
Trevor Griffiths - Camel Station
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John Pilger - Not in Our Name
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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A Better World is Possible</span>A Better World is Possible
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Edited by Ken Coates

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European Network for Peace and Human Rights
Ken Coates - Peace and Human Rights are Overdue
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Yvonne Ridley - A Tale of Two Prisoners
Final Communique of the European Network for Peace and Human Rights Conference World Social Forum
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ISBN: 978 085124 6635


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>War is Peace</span>War is Peace
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Edited by Ken Coates

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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Star Wars Starts Wars</span>Star Wars Starts Wars
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Edited by Ken Coates

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ISBN: 978 085124 6550


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Full Spectrum Absurdity</span>Full Spectrum Absurdity
Will America Die of Defence?
Spokesman 71
Edited Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
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Ken Coates - Nuclear Warfare Revisited
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Michael Barratt Brown - Man of Peace


Price: £5.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6475


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Last Frontier</span>The Last Frontier
Spokesman 70
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
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Hanan Ashrawi - 'Restraint' or Racism in Palestine
Ken Coates - The Last Frontier
Ken Livingstone - National Missile Defence
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Price: £5.00

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ISBN: 978 085124 6444


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>'Collateral Damage' or Unlawful Killings? </span>'Collateral Damage' or Unlawful Killings?
The Amnesty Report
Spokesman 69
Edited by Ken Coates

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<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Short Millennium?</span>The Short Millennium?
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Edited by Ken Coates

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Ken Coates - The Short Millennium?
Noam Chomsky - Rogue States
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ISBN: 978 085124 6352


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Disarming the New World Disorder</span>Disarming the New World Disorder
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Edited by Ken Coates

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Ken Coates - Nato and the New World Disorder
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Price: £5.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6321


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Third Way </span>The Third Way
to the Servile State
Spokesman 66
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
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The Third Way/Die Neue Mitte

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ISBN: 978 0 85124 6260



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