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Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

Spokesman Books | Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

Peace, Nuclear Disarmament & Human Rights

Spokesman Books' Human Rights, Peace and Nuclear Disarmament titles.

Authors include Bertrand Russell, Noam Chomsky,Tony Bunyan of Statewatch, Robert Hinde of Pugwash UK, Ken Coates, Alva Mydral, George Farebrother, Seymour Melman and Kurt Vonnegut.

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Revolt of the ChildrenThe Revolt of the Children
By Joachim Wernicke

Download PDF - HERE

The Revolt of the Children was first published in German in 2019 as Der Aufstand der Kinder. The author, Joachim Wernicke, published a small A6 edition for free distribution at Student Climate Strike protests in an effort to make the link between climate change and nuclear weapons. The original edition can be downloaded at

Dr.-Ing. Joachim Wernicke lives in Berlin. He is a physicist interested in renewable energy and military technology. In opposition to the stationing of US nuclear weapons in the Federal Republic of Germany during the 1980s, he began critical research into Western military and economic policies. Dr. Wernicke prepared the German translation of Commander Robert Green's Security without Nuclear Deterrence (published by Spokesman) and is the author of END?Papers 3 - After the INF Treaty:What Next?


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Left, Left, LeftLeft, Left, Left
By Peggy Duff

"Peggy Duff is one of the unsung heroes of the struggles for peace and justice in the post-World War II period. She was a founder and leading figure in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, which was instrumental in bringing the dire threat of nuclear war to general attention. Among activists, if not the general public, she is widely recognized - by some (like me) virtually revered - for her incredible contributions to the international movement of protest against the US wars in Indochina. Peggy was indefatigable, a highly effective organizer, patient and persistent in bringing together the many complex strands of opposition to US crimes in Indochina, the worst of the post-war era. Only those deeply involved were fully aware of this impressive accomplishment, which alone would easily merit the Nobel Peace Prize. And it was far from her only major achievement. The list ranges from her defence of the rights of prisoners of war in the early post-war years to her courageous role in the thankless struggle for Palestinian rights.
Truly a remarkable person, and speaking personally, a close and deeply valued friend."
Noam Chomsky

Price: £15.99

308 Pages | Paperback
ISBN: 9780851248813


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Security without Nuclear DeterrenceSecurity without Nuclear Deterrence
By Commander Robert Green, Royal Navy (Ret'd)
Foreword by Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham KCB MA

The nuclear-armed states and their allies cite deterrence as the primary justification for maintaining nuclear weapons. Its fallacies must therefore be exposed and alternatives offered if they are to be eliminated. As a former operator of British nuclear weapons, Commander Green chronicles the history, practical difficulties and dangerous contradictions of nuclear deterrence. He offers, instead, more credible, effective and responsible alternative strategies to deter aggression and achieve real security.

‘This is a most important contribution to the debate on a subject which is crucial to the survival of the human race, and it needs to be read with a degree of humility and with an open mind – qualities not always apparent amongst our decision makers and their advisers. So vital an issue deserves nothing less.’
Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham KCB MA
From his new Foreword

Review: Henk Groenewegen in 'Medicine, Conflict and Survival'.

Reviews from the First Edition:

‘It is hard-won wisdom that today’s nuclear-armed states and those who would follow in their footsteps would do well to heed.’
Dr Zia Mian, Princeton University

‘I commend this book to all who wish to gain a deeper understanding of nuclear deterrence, surely one of the most controversial ideas of our time.’
H.E. Sergio Duarte, former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs

‘One of the best informed and most searching critiques of the central strategic doctrine of the nuclear age – nuclear deterrence – that I know of.’
Jonathan Schell, author of The Fate of the Earth, Yale University
Price: £17.99

266 Pages | Paperback
ISBN: 9780 85124 8721


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>My 'War'</span>My 'War'
By Robert A. Hinde

As soon as he could, at the age of seventeen, Robert Hinde volunteered for the RAF. After a frustratingly long period of training, he was assigned to Coastal Command, where he became a pilot flying Catalina and then Sunderland flying boats.

Upon his release in January 1946 he went to St. John's College, Cambridge to read Natural Sciences (Zoology). He then went to Oxford (Balliol College and the Zoology Department), where he did field work towards a D. Phil. under the guidance of David Lack and the newly arrived Niko Tinbergen. In 1950 he returned to St. John's College and the Zoology Department in Cambridge, where he helped William Thorpe establish an Ornithological Field Station (later named the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour) in Madingley. Robert was awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship in 1963, and he set up an MRC Unit on the Development & Integration of Behaviour in 1971. From 1989-1994 he was Master of St. John's College, Cambridge.

After the war, Robert became heavily involved in peace movements, particularly the Movement for the Abolition of War and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.

Price: £5.00

A4 size | 40 pages
ISBN: 978 0 85214 8554


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Conscientious Objection: Bertrand Russell</span>Conscientious Objection: Bertrand Russell
and the Pacifists in the First World War
By Jo Vellacott

'I am glad to have this book become available again, virtually unchanged, but with a new title to emphasise the role of the Conscientious Objectors. Although this story of the No-Conscription Fellowship (NCF) focuses on Bertrand Russell’s contribution, it has been recognised as contributing to an understanding of how the NCF was made up, how it worked, its successes and failures, and dissensions within it, particularly over the acceptability of various forms of alternative service and of political action in the cause of peace ...

Russell’s first few months in the No-Conscription Fellowship had qualities which could not last, and could never be replicated. A particular kind of companionship comes when we work closely with a few others in a crisis situation, and Mephy (Russell’s nickname), CA (Clifford Allen) and CEM (Catherine Marshall) had it in abundance during the early months of the implementation of the Military Service Act. Russell later forgot the intensity and the joy of the experience, but he left it on record in his letters to Ottoline Morrell.’
Jo Vellacott

Price: £14.99

340 pages
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8424


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Lambrakis and the Peace Movement</span>Lambrakis and the Peace Movement
The Greek May of 1963
By Panos Trigazis

'Grigoris Lambrakis was an exuberant personality, a courageous and ardent fighter for peace, democracy and social justice. We walked together in 1963 on the great march from the atomic weapons facility in Aldermaston to London, where we got to know each other, and I became a profound admirer of his passion for peace.

That visit to London to take part in the Aldermaston march gave me an opportunity to meet the great British philosopher Bertrand Russell, leader of the British anti-nuclear movement and consistent supporter of the Greek people's struggle for democracy and national independence, as is shown clearly in this book …

This book is a significant contribution to commemorating the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Lambrakis … Its message is the need for constant vigilance and struggle in the cause of peace, which is fragile in our region, especially at the crucial geopolitical crossroads of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, as shown by the tragic carnage in Syria.'

Panos Trigazis is SYRIZA's co-ordinator for international relations and peace, a leading member of the European Network for Peace and Human Rights, and president of the Observatory of International Organisations and Globalisation (PADOP).

Price: £11.99

100 pages illustrated
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8332


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>WAR against WAR!</span>WAR against WAR!
By Ernst Friedrich
Foreword by Bruce Kent

Originally published in Germany on 1st May 1924, this classic pictorial record of the First World War has long been hard to obtain.

'War Against War! is one of the most shocking books I have ever seen. As much a series of photographs as a book, it first appeared in 1924, the work of Ernst Friedrich, an anarchist, socialist, internationalist and peace worker.

Friedrich's aim was to make people understand what war actually means, and the horrors it inflicts on people and, indeed, on animals. Gruesome are the photos of maimed men with their faces blown half away. How did those wretched war victims get through the rest of their lives? Hidden in some home? We do not even know their nationalities: just human beings who went through the horrors of a war which should never have been fought.'
Bruce Kent

Cover: Ernst Friedrich addresses German soldiers in Berlin's Siegesallee, calling them to revolution.

In August 2011, the photographer Craig Ritchie wrote an article about WAR against WAR!, he says: 'The German pacifist anarchist, Ernst Friedrich, ... produced one of the first (and arguably, still the best) photographic attempts at scrutinising warfare in his seminal photobook, WAR against WAR! Since its publication in 1924 there have been as many as a million copies in circulation, translated into forty languages.'

For the full article visit:

Gabriel Carlyle - Peace News, August 2014

Steve Andrew - Morning Star, 4 August 2014

Paul Mason - The Guardian, 23 Nov 2014

Price: £9.99

248 pages | Paperback
200 b/w photos and drawings from the First World War
Commentary in four languages
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8318


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Greece: From Resistance to Civil War</span>Greece: From Resistance to Civil War
Edited by Marion Sarafis
Introduced by Prof. Nicos Svoronos

In 1944, as the war in Europe moved to its climax, the extraordinary struggle of the Greek Resistance moved into its tragic phase. Caught in the quite extraneous decisions agreed between the super powers, the Greek people found that their own wishes were not to be allowed to determine their fate.

From Resistance to Civil War explores this tense drama and points a moral which is relevant far outside the frontiers of Greece.

Contributors include top-level participants in these events such as Brigadier Eddie Myers (Head of the British Military Mission to the Greek Resistance 1943) and Thanasis Hajis (Secretary-General of the left-wing EAM Resistance Movement 1941-44), as well as British, German and Greek historians who have drawn extensively on Government Archives which had only recently become available for study. This books is edited by the widow of the Major-General Stefanos Sarafis, military commander of ELAS, the National Popular Liberation Army, for the Society for Modern Greek Studies.

Price: £9.95

142 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 2903


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Legacy of Chernobyl</span>The Legacy of Chernobyl
By Zhores Medvedev

Dr Medvedev gives a comprehensive analysis of the long-term global effects of the nuclear explosion at the Chernobyl power plant in 1986. He examines the technical, environmental, agricultural, health and economic impacts of the catastrophe.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the disaster at Chernobyl, we publish this new edition with an extended introduction by the author. Dr Medvedev considers the lessons of the disasters at Kyshtym in the Urals in the 1950s, at Chernobyl, and now at Fukushima in Japan.

" ... a clear and well-informed analysis not only of the causes of the Chernobyl accident, but also of its consequences for public health and the environment."
David Holloway, The New York Review of Books

" ... one of the first insider's looks into what happened, and what it all meant ... (Medvedev) peeled aside government secrecy regarding the explosion and its effects."
Gregg Sapp,

Price: £19.95

360 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8035


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Changing How We Live</span>Changing How We Live
Society from the bottom up
By Robert Hinde

The shortcomings in our society need more than readjustments to our political, financial, and legal institutions. There must be a better regard for morality at every level, from individuals to government. This book explores the nature of our morality. It identifies how changes can be made so that each of us takes responsibility for looking after each other and our planet, and shows that a better society is within our power.

Robert Hinde served as an RAF pilot in World War Two before training as a biologist. He subsequently carried out research in biology and the human sciences. He has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy, the Royal College of Psychiatry, the US National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has served as Master of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Professor Hinde has received awards for research in Anthropology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Ethology, Primatology, and Zoology.

Dominic Kirkham, Sofia, Easter 2013

Price: £8.99

132 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8066


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Changing How We Live - ePUB</span>Changing How We Live - ePUB
Society from the bottom up
By Robert Hinde

This is the ePUB version of Changing How We Live, which can be downloaded onto your PC, Sony eReader, iPad and iPhone.

Once bought please SAVE THE FILE and add it to your eReader as required.

Dominic Kirkham, Sofia, Easter 2013

Price: £5.99

ISBN: 978 0 85125 8073
ePUB format


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Dodgiest Dossier</span>The Dodgiest Dossier
This publication brings together for the first time all the leaked memoranda about the British Government's decision to go to war on Iraq, plus the Attorney General's legal advice.

You can read the full text of the revealing memorandum about preparations for war on Iraq, dating from July 2002, (which) was leaked to the press in the days before the 2005 General Election.

Price: £4.00

80 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 7120
5th Series Number 2


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>CIA: The Pike Report</span>CIA: The Pike Report
Introduced by Philip Agee

" ... the work of the Pike Committee and the other bodies is an exceedingly positive chapter in American history. Who would have dreamed, two years ago, that such a great volume of information on secret American intervention in foreign countries would ever be made public? Who would have dreamed that the vast, illegal domestic operations of the CIA, FBI and NSA would be revealed in great detail? Every bit of this information, together with the general methodology that emerges, can be used by people and organizations to protect themselves now and when the next wave of the same occurs. No doubt wide areas of CIA operations were omitted almost entirely, such as those in the trade union field, but no one can say the world's knowledge of secret intervention hasn't improved thanks to the investigations.

Of equal importance is the continuing strength of the best popular traditions in the United States that the investigations demonstrate: the free flow of information, resistance to oppression by government bureaucracy, resistance to government secrecy and coverups. Through the effective functioning of these traditions Americans have been able to learn how necessary corruption and hypocrisy are to the way the current system operates. Abolition of covert action operations, which corrupt the country's expressed principles, cannot come until fundamental changes are made in other institutions. Meanwhile, the treasure of knowledge gained through the investigations must surely contribute to the understanding that government in a "liberal" society must of necessity function in favour of one class and to the detriment of another.

In July 1976 the chief investigator of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, who had been trying since March to discover how the copies of Parts I and II of the Pike Report were leaked to Daniel Schorr, reported that nearly 50 copies of the report were in different executive and congressional offices when the leak occurred. None of the 207 government officials questioned, including Secretary Kissinger and the members of the Pike Committee, would admit to being the culprit. Thanks to one of them, at least, the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation is able to present for the first time in book form Parts I, II and III of the Pike Report, a document of truly historic significance not only for Americans but also for peoples the world over who have suffered from clandestine American intervention."

Introduction by Philip Agee, Cambridge, August, 1976

Price: £18.00

284 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 085124 1739


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Subversion in Chile:</span>Subversion in Chile:
a case study in U.S. corporate intrigue in the Third World


"The documents reproduced in this book are the internal memoranda of ITT - International Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. They deal with the attempt by ITT to subvert the democratic process in Chile, to thwart the election of Salvador Allende in the autumn of 1970.

The existence of these documents was first revealed on 21st March 1972 by columnist Jack Anderson in the Washington Post. This was shortly after he had revealed ITT documents giving details of how the Nixon administation was persuaded to drop a series of anti-trust suits against ITT, which were concerned with the takeover by ITT of Hartford Fire Insurance Corporation - one of the largest takeovers ever - in return for $400,00 donation by ITT towards the cost of the 1972 Republican Party Convention.

These papers on Chile, unlike the anti-trust cases, have not been denounced by ITT as forgeries. In fact the corporation has been strangely silent about the whole affair.

The documents are most photo-reproductions. A few however have been transcribed for the purpose of legibility."

Mike Cushman in his Foreword of 1972

Price: £7.95

ISBN: 978 0 85124 0404
114 pages | Paperback


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>'Constructive Bloodbath' in Indonesia</span>'Constructive Bloodbath' in Indonesia
The United States, Britain
and the Mass Killings of 1965-66

By Nathaniel Mehr
With a foreword by Carmel Budiardjo


In October 1965, the Indonesian army embarked upon a vicious campaign of mass murder with the aim of destroying he country's powerful Communist Party. In the space of just a few months, the army massacred between 500,000 and one million innocent people, mostly rural peasants who had joined th Communist Party in the hope of improving their lives. The killings paved the way for the seizure of power by a military junta headed by General Suharto. Suharto's regime became synonymous with corruption and human rights abuse, but his willingness to integrate Indonesia into the global capitalist system made him a darling of the United States and Great Britain. To this extent the massacre - one of the most devastating mass murders of the 20th Century - constituted what Noam Chomsky called a "constructive bloodbath" from the point of view of prevailing Cold War orthodoxy, and the US and Britain did what they could to encourage the slaughter. 'Constructive Bloodbath' in Indonesia examines the relationship between Suharto and his Western allies before, during and after the killings.

Southeast Asian Times - British Role Exposed
London Progressive Journal - Remembering the Indonesian Killings
The Palestine Chronicle - Herman Jones
Joyo Indonesia News - David Jardine
Jakarta Globe - Armando Siahaan
Tribune - Ian Sinclair

Price: £15.00

ISBN: 978 0 85124 7670
135 pages | Paperback


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Thomas Paine: </span>Thomas Paine:
In Search of the Common Good
Edited by Joyce Chumbley and Leo Zonneveld

Thomas Paine was a man of words. He inspired the American struggle for independence; he defeated the causes of the French Revolution. He was the greatest of the English/American 18th-century radical writers, with timeless works such as Common Sense, The Rights of Man, and The Age of Reason. This book, Thomas Paine: In Search of the Common Good, offers reflections on his life and writings by a group of experts and specialists who came together at a Thomas Paine Colloquium held at the United Nations in New York.

About the editors:
Joyce Chumbley is a researcher, writer, activist. For over three decades, she has been involved in education, the arts, and progressive environmental, social, and political issue from her base in Florida.

Leo Zonneveld is an author and editor. He served the United Kingdom government, as high technology specialist and lastly as science attaché at the British Embassy in The Hague, for 37 years.

By Matt Genner in London Progressive Journal, Issue 68

By The Thomas Paine Society in Journal of Radical History, Vol. 9, Number 4, 2009.

Price: £12.00

144 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 085124 7625


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Regime Change in Iran</span>Regime Change in Iran
By Donald N. Wilber

This Clandestine History of Operation Ajax to overthrow the Prime Minister of Iran was written for the US Central Intelligence Agency in March 1954 by Dr. Donald N. Wilber. It gives a unique insight into the extent to which the CIA and its British ally went in pursuit of their aim to remove Iran's elected head of government in 1952-53.

Robert Fisk referred to this title in his article for The Independent - Robert Fisk's World

Price: £7.99

112 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7182


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Ending War: A Recipe</span>Ending War: A Recipe
By Robert Hinde

'Not this year, not in my lifetime, perhaps in yours, and with a strong probability in my grandchildren's lifetimes, war will be seen as an unacceptable way of settling disputes between states. The aim of this book is to hasten the day.'
Robert Hinde, British Pugwash Group

Robert A. Hinde was a Coastal Command Pilot, flying Catalinas and Sunderlands, in World War Two. After the war he workeded as a biologist/psychologist at Cambridge University. He was appointed a Royal Society Research Professor in 1963, and was Master of St. John's College, Cambridge from 1989 to 1994. He is Deputy Chair (recently Chair) of the British Pugwash Group, Patron of the Movement for the Abolition of War, and Patron of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme. The British Pugwash Group is an affiliate of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, recipient of the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize.

Read a review of this title from MAW; Winter 2009

Price: £4.00

48 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7595


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Unnecessary War</span>The Unnecessary War
Proceedings of the Belgrano Inquiry
The Belgrano Action Group

The Belgrano inquiry was a citizens' enquiry which took place in November 1986 and which provided an opportunity for a number of distinguished experts to express their candid opinions. They include Malcolm Harper, Brigadier Michael Harbottle, Tam Dalyell MP, Clive Ponting, Ken Coates, Paul Rogers and Wade Tidbury.

The proceedings of that enquiry are recorded in this book together with a preface by Clive Ponting, the senior civil servant at the MOD who was prosecuted for his Belgrano revelations to an MP.

The Belgrano Inquiry website
Twenty-four years ago (1986), a group of us organised the two-day ‘Belgrano Inquiry’ at Hampstead Town Hall, London. This was the nearest there has ever been to a proper independent inquiry into the sinking of the Belgrano, and was supported by a number of important witnesses. The entire proceedings were recorded. Key extracts are available at the Sound Archive on this site, plus other back ground information and in-depth analysis.

Price: £7.99

184 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 4655


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A Case to Answer</span>A Case to Answer
By Glen Rangwala and Dan Plesch

At the end of August 2004, Members of Parliament in Britain joined together to start a process that could lead to the impeachment of Prime Minister Blair "for High Crimes and Misdemeanours in relation to the invasion of Iraq".

The MPs from different parties published a report setting out "compelling evidence of deliberate repeated distortion, seriously misleading statements and culpable negligence on the part of the Prime Minister. This misconduct is in itself more than sufficient to require his resignation ... The core conclusion of this report is that the impeachment of the Prime Minister has a strong basis in fact, and established precedent in parliamentary law."

Dr Glen Rangwala lectures in politics at Cambridge University.
Dan Plesch is an Honorary Fellow of Birkbeck College, University of London.

Price: £5.00

128 pages | Pamphlet
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7045


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Life and Works of Henry Richard</span>The Life and Works of Henry Richard
Apostle for Peace and MP for Wales
by D. Ben Rees

Henry Richard, the Apostle of Peace, was a Congregational minister, Welsh Member of Parliament 1868-88, and Secretary of the Peace Society (1848-84). He was elected Member of Parliament for the Merthyr boroughs in Wales in 1868 and became an influential Nonconformist in the House of Commons.

'Henry Richard has, through the efforts of Bruce Kent, Simon Thomas, David Morris and others of us, been given his rightful place as a man of inspiration ... I have been given the opportunity of delivering lectures on Henry Richard in the House of Lords in London and in my church in Liverpool, and now we bring together the story in this book and hope it will be widely circulated.'
D. Ben Rees

Price: £3.00

32 pages | Pamphlet
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7465


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Sizewell Syndrome</span>The Sizewell Syndrome
Nuclear Power, nuclear weapons
and public policy

by Tony Benn

Tony Benn held major responsibilities for Britain's nuclear industry over eight years in a variety of ministerial posts. Here in his evidence to the Sizewell Public Inquiry, under close cross-examination, he explains in detail his considered views.

Price: £6.95

128 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 4020


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Freedom from Nuclear Weapons</span>Freedom from Nuclear Weapons
Edited by George Farebrother
For World Court Coalition

In July 2006 legal experts and civil society representatives met in Brussels to examine the legality of nuclear weapons in depth. They developed proposals for action by citizens to uphold the law, calling on diplomats and politicians to honour their Good Faith obligations. This book records their conclusions, and outlines a way forward.

Price: £7.00

114 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 748 9


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The War on Freedom and Democracy</span>The War on Freedom and Democracy
Essays on Civil Liberties in Europe
Edited by Tony Bunyan

The 'war on terror' has continued with no end in sight in the years since the attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001. It permeates the institutions of the body politic in Europe, sacrificing liberty and freedoms in the name of a constructed 'politics of fear' and demands for security.

We have learnt that the greatest threat to 'our way of life' and democracy comes not from terrorism but from our governments' reactions to it. The emergency measures that at first were presented as 'expectional' are now the norm.

These essays were prepared for the launch of the European Civil Liberties Network

Contributors: Tony Bunyan, Heiner Busch, Deirdre Curtin, Liz Fekete, Balthasar Glatti, Ben Hayes, Paddy Hillyard, Gus Hosein, Gergana Jouleva, Alexander Kashumov, Virginia Mantouvalou, Thomas Mathiesen, Steve Peers, Max Rowlands, Phil Scraton, A. Sivanandan, Lorenzo Trucco and Aidan White.

Price: £10.99

176 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 723 6


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Education for Peace</span>Education for Peace
Edited by Robert A. Hinde & Donald A. Parry

To achieve world peace it is necessary not only to resolve current disputes, but also to create a situation in which disputes do not arise. For this to happen, education must play a central role. It has to encompass the issues of competition and co-operation between individuals, groups and nations; the nature of peace and war and a proper understanding of history; the interdependence of nations; respect for diversity; human rights and freedoms.

Price: £6.99

104 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 513 3


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Empire No More!</span>Empire No More!
... the Lion and Wolf shall cease
By Ken Coates

Wars and threats of war seethe all around us. The end of the Cold War, far from bringing a new era of universal peace, gave place to a frenzied new drive to build more powerful and deadly weapons, and a permanent Orwellian ‘war on terror’ which is self-renewing, and, it is to be feared, unwinnable.

'This book is a guide book for us all ... I recommend it wholeheartedly.' Tony Benn

Price: £11.99

288 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 6949


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Empire No More!</span>Empire No More!
... the Lion and Wolf shall cease
By Ken Coates

Price: £45.00

288 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7007


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Case Against War</span>The Case Against War
The Essential Legal Inquiries, 
Opinions and Judgements concerning War in Iraq

By George Farebrother & Nicholas Kollerstrom

The Case Against War comprises an extensive collection of legal opinion on Britain's participation in the Iraq War. It covers the entire legal proceedings of a citizen's tribunal, held on the 11th October 2002 in London, on the legality, or otherwise, of the then forthcoming war on Iraq. Further legal Opinions by Rabinder Singh and Charlotte Kilroy are also to be found here from 2003, as well as the full documentation of CND's case for a judicial review of the British Governments decision to go to war. 

‘The Case Against War is an excellent collection of the material which establishes beyond doubt that the war against Iraq was unlawful.’ Mark Littman QC

‘The calm logic and rigour of legal reasoning of the highest calibre is brought to bear in presenting the case for and against the legality at international law of the impending intervention, purportedly in support of the UN.’ Lord R.K. Murray, Former Lord Advocate of Scotland

‘I think that there is an ever increasing need for the public to be reminded of the legal principles underlying any decision concerning the use of power to wage war in the context of the UN Charter when politicians consistently mislead us on the legal basis and justification for the war in Iraq.’
Michael Mansfield QC

This book has been reviewed in:
Solicitors Journal
World Disarm!

Price: £10.00

280 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 6925


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>No More Hiroshimas</span>No More Hiroshimas
Written and translated by James Kirkup

In his new preface, James Kirkup explains the genesis of this little collection:

'These poems all have their roots in one late afternoon at the land workers’ hostel outside Ponteland, Northumberland. As we entered the hostel we got the news that the first American Atom Bomb had been dropped on Japan, on the city of Hiroshima. It was the first time we had heard of that place that was to become a universal symbol of man’s inhumanity towards his fellow men.

Read reviews of this book by:
David Burnett
David Krieger

Read the poem No More Hiroshimas

For a full archive of this author's work see
The James Kirkup Collection.

Price: £6.99

72 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 6895
Poetry | Paperback


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Has Man a Future?</span>Has Man a Future?
By Bertand Russell

Man has been on this planet for one million years, and in that time has come a long way. He could achieve great things in the next million. What are his prospects if he can manage to survive the present danger of universal destruction? After posing this question, Bertrand Russell examines this danger in its most urgent form: the development of nuclear weapons and the hypocrisy of official attitudes to them.

Price: £7.99

134 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 81524 6368


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Straw Wars</span>Straw Wars
Full Spectrum Sycophancy
Jack Straw's Briefing with a response by Ken Coates

Straw Wars includes the verbatim texts of the statements by Jack Straw, with point-by-point rebuttals. It also includes the full text of the United States Space Command's Vision for 2020. This deadly serious document speaks very candidly about what is behind the impending repudiation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and the wholesale violation of the Outer Space Treaty. The salient points of these Treaties are also reproduced.

Price: £3.00

58 pages
ISBN: 978 0 85124 659 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Demilitarized Society</span>The Demilitarized Society
Disarmament and Conversion
by Seymour Melman

The Demilitarized Society diagnoses the economic and allied decay caused by militarism, and formulates a set of proposals - political and economic - for demilitarizing our societies.

Price: £7.99

134 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 506 5


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Game of Disarmament</span>The Game of Disarmament
How the United and Russia Run the Arms Race
By Alva Mydral

The Game of Disarmament is the definitive account of the arms race and the militarisation of our world, by Sweden’s former Minister for Disarmament.

Alva Myrdal masterfully explains why neither of the superpowers seriously tried to achieve disarmament.

'The Game of Disarmament is one of the most impressive books I have ever read about the huge problems of the world-wide arms race.' Willy Brandt

Price: £14.99

398 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 306 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Whatever Happened to the Peace Dividend?</span>Whatever Happened to the Peace Dividend?
The Post-Cold War Armaments Momentum
by Marek Thee

Marek Thee, reveals, that despite the decline of the Cold War, spending on military research and development was already increasing even before the Gulf crisis unfolded. What are the main features of this new arms race? What is happening inside the world's military laboratories? How can they be opened up to public scrutiny, and how can the enormous scientific resources they swallow up be liberated to serve more humane purposes? Marek Thee addresses his subject with characteristic thoroughness.

Price: £7.95

113 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 533 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Europe at Peace?</span>Europe at Peace?
VIII Convention for European Nuclear Disarmament
Edited by Josep Palau
with a foreword by Manuel Azcarate

When the European Peace movement held its Eighth Convention on European Nuclear Disarmament in Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain in July 1989, it was glad to celebrate the potential reversal of the arms race, against which it had struggled for so many years.

This book, which demonstrates the maturity and relevance of the peace movement in the face of the manifold threats to civilised life.

Price: £11.99

304 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 519 5


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Europe at Peace?</span>Europe at Peace?
VIII Convention for European Nuclear Disarmament
Edited by Josep Palau
with a foreword by Manuel Azcarate

Price: £25.00

304 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 518 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Depleted Uranium</span>Depleted Uranium
Deadly, Dangerous and Indiscriminate
The Full Picture

By Anne Gut and Bruno Vitale

"At a time of great power menace, with DU used in Afghanistan and Iraq, this meticulous and vivid book brilliantly puts the case for none of us remaining silent." John Pilger

Depleted Uranium: Deadly, Dangerous and Indiscriminate scrutinises the available evidence of the effects of DU on human health and the environment, and makes the case for stopping completely the manufacture, deployment and the use of DU munitions.

Read reviews by:
Dr Patrick Nicholson
Douglas Holdstock

Price: £7.99

160 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 6857


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A New Design for Disarmament</span>A New Design for Disarmament
Edited by William Epstein & Toshiyuki Toyoda

This volume contains the unanimous report and papers presented to the 25th in a series of Pugwash International Symposia, in Kyoto, Japan from August 28 to September 1 1975. The symposium dealt with the subject ‘A New Design Towards Complete Nuclear Disarmament: The Social Function of Scientists and Engineers.’

Price: £14.99

338 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 192 0


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A Most Dangerous Decade</span>A Most Dangerous Decade
by Ken Coates

In 1980, facing up to a renewed upsurge of militarism, the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation joined forces with a number of others to launce the appeal for European Nuclear Disarmament. This began with a warning. "We are entering the most dangerous decade in history", it said. There is a good deal of new evidence to show that this appreciation was exact, containing not a milligram of exaggeration.

Price: £9.99

211 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 406 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A Most Dangerous Decade</span>A Most Dangerous Decade
by Ken Coates

Price: £17.50

211 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 405 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Think Globally, Act Locally</span>Think Globally, Act Locally
The United Nations and the Peace Movements
by Ken Coates

This book seeks to draw lessons from the experience of the peace movement in order to strengthen the work of the United Nations. It proposes important reforms of the structure of the world organisation, while defending key principles of international law and co-operation.

Price: £9.99

168 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 504 1


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Think Globally, Act Locally</span>Think Globally, Act Locally
The United Nations and the Peace Movements
by Ken Coates

Price: £17.50

168 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 503 4


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>War and Peace in the Gulf</span>War and Peace in the Gulf
Testimonies of the Gulf Peace Team
Edited by Bela Bhatia, Jean Dreze & Kathy Kelly
with a foreword by Noam Chomsky

The Gulf Peace Team is a living expression of the authors' vision for a peaceful world, a world where non-violence and conflict resolution are used instead of force.

"This is an act of great courage and integrity. If anything can be done to stop this monstrous war, it should be done." Noam Chomsky

"Without the courageous efforts of the Gulf Peace Team, we may not have had a sense of the real possibilites of peace and of the humanity of the Iraqi people."
John Pilger

Price: £10.00

182 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 640 6


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Fates Worse Than DEATH</span>Fates Worse Than DEATH
Spokeman pamphlet 80
by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

"When asked for a message of support to the first Convention of END (European Nuclear Disarmament) Kurt Vonnegut sent the text of this pamphlet, with this letter...

I'm sorry to have been such a slovenly responder to your good letters. I can't come to Brussels in July, but the world seems to be one big city now. I ran into the Mayor of Nagasaki, whose mother was pregnant with him when the bomb was dropped, only this afternoon - two hundred yards from my doorstep. As it turns out, he is for peace. Surprise.

I, a druid, preached for peace at the Episcopal Cathedral here, St. John the Divine, two Sundays ago. I enclose a copy of what I said, more or less. If anything in it is of any use to you, please help yourself. The copyright is owned by the Cathedral, which paid me zero. They wouldn't have the balls to sue, no matter what you did."

Kurt Vonnegut

Price: £2.00

16 pages | Spokesman Pamphlet 80
ISBN: 978 0 85124 338 2


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Prevent the Crime of Silence:</span>Prevent the Crime of Silence:
Reports from the sessions of the
International War Crimes Tribunal,
founded by Bertrand Russell

Edited by Ken Coates,
Peter Limqueco & Peter Weiss

Foreword by Noam Chomsky

In 1967 the International War Crimes Tribynal held sessions in Stockholm and Roskilde, in Denmark, to hear evidence on the conduct of the war in Vietnam. Invitations to the American Government had been ignored.

This book is intended to assist Russell's initial request of the Tribunal 'to prevent the crime of silence'.

Price: £15.00

384 pages


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Eyewitness in Hungary:</span>Eyewitness in Hungary:
The Soviet Invasion of 1956
Edited by Bill Lomax

The eyewitness reports collected in this volume were produced shortly after the Hungarian uprising by communists who were there at the time and whose feelings and convictions were deeply shaken by their experiences. Each description sheds an individual light upon the dramatic days between the first and second Russian interventions in such a way as to show how and why the events of 1956 made such a lasting impression not only upon Hungarians but upon everyone affected by the politics of East-West conflict.

Price: £12.50

183 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 2910



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