The Spokesman Journal Founded by Bertrand Russell Founded by Bertrand Russell towards the end of his life, The Spokesman not only concerns itself with the many matters of peace and social justice which preoccupied Russell, but also examines in depth the present order, its structures, its beneficiaries and its victims. It includes the Peace Dossier (formerly The London Bulletin) and an extensive review section.
A subscription to The Spokesman costs £20 UK individual 0r £25 ex-UK individual.
Individual issues cost £5 each, plus £1.00 postage and packaging per copy.
A selection of articles from issues of The Spokesman are available here, in PDF format.
We also publish a range of Spokesman Pamphlets, the list of which is available here. The Spokesman 97 - Brown Studies The Spokesman 96 - Legacies of Harm The Spokesman 94 - Surging of Oil The Spokesman 93 - Genocide: Old and New The Spokesman 92 - The Carnage Continues ... and now for TRIDENT! The Spokesman 91 - Haditha Ethics - From Iraq to Iran? The Spokesman 90 - How to Lose a War The Spokesman 89 - Extraordinary Rendition The Spokesman 88 - Inside the Crusader Fortress The Spokesman 87 - The Suicide Bombers The Spokesman, 86 - Apocalypse Soon The Spokesman, 85 - Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Manifesto 50 The Spokesman, 84 - Fallujah: Shock and Awe The Spokesman, 83 - From Tom Paine to Guantanamo Bay The Spokesman, 82 - America's Gulag The Spokesman, 81 - Dark Times The Spokesman, 80 - The Strangelove Doctrine Spokesman 64. 1998. Full Employment: A European Appeal Spokesman 63. 1997. The Morphology of Debt Spokesman 62. 1995. Timor: Twenty Years On ENDpapers 23. Spokesman 61. Winter 1992-3. Peace Register 1993: Drawing the Peace Dividend ENDpapers 22. Spokesman 60. Summer 1991. Third World War ENDpapers Spokesman 59. Winter 1990. History: End or Beginning? ENDpapers 20. Spokesman 58. Autumn 1989. Conversion: Can We Really Disarm? ENDpapers 19. Spokesman 57. Spring 1989. The Hole in the Sky ENDpapers 18. Spokesman 56. Summer/Autumn 1988. Proliferation or Conversion? ENDpapers 17. Spokesman 55. Winter/Spring 1988. ...into Ploughshares ENDpapers 16. Spokesman 54. Summer 1987. Swords and Ploughshares ENDpapers 15. Spokesman 53. Spring 1987. Spring in Moscow ENDpapers 14. Spokesman 52. Winter 1986-7. International Terrorism & International Law ENDpapers 13. Spokesman 51. Autumn 1986. EUREKA & Star Wars ENDpapers 12. Spokesman 50. Spring 1986. Spain & NATO ENDpapers 11. Spokesman 49. Winter 1985-6. Alliances Divided ENDpapers 10. Spokesman 48. Summer 1985. The Amsterdam Convention ENDpapers 9. Spokesman 47. Winter 1984-5. Israel & Palestine ENDpapers 8. Spokesman 46. Summer 1984. The Perugia Convention ENDpapers 7. Spokesman 45. Spring 1984. The Sizewell Syndrome ENDpapers 6. Spokesman 44. Winter 1983-4. The Berlin Convention ENDpapers 5. Spokesman 43. Spring 1983 ENDpapers 4. Spokesman 42. Winter 1983 ENDpapers 3. Spokesman 41. Summer/Autumn 1982 ENDpapers 2. Spokesman 40. Spring 1982 ENDpapers 1. Spokesman 39. Winter 1981-2
We have compiled an index of all articles which have appeared in The Spokesman starting with number 65.
This index is now available to view here.
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