A Radical Reader: The Struggle for Change in England 1381-1914 Edited by Christopher Hampton This major anthology spans 500 years of radical
protest from the Peasants’ Revolt to the First World War. Provides an alternative political and social
history of England. This is history as creative
defiance, as communal action, involving the intellectual and imaginative
witnesses of those among the privileged – poets, writers, and thinkers – who
have had the strength and courage to make themselves passionate spokesmen for
the dispossessed. Here are passages from More’s Utopia,
Hobbes’ Leviathan, Bunyans’ Pilgrim’s Progress,
Mary Wollestonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women.
Here, too, are extracts from Wyclif, Shakespeare, Bacon,
Milton, Winstanley, Marvell, Swift, Blake, Wordsworth,
Cobbett, Byron, Shelley, Dickens and Marx –
plus a wealth of hitherto inaccessible documents. ‘There
is something for everybody in Mr Hampton’s 600 pages … Christopher Hill, The Guardian
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Price: £18.00 ISBN: 978 085124 7250 600 pages
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